Sapphire Americas accepts a variety of waste products for pre-processing and co-processing.
Non-hazardous Waste: Sapphire uses the environmentally friendly method of pre-processing and co-processing to transform a customer’s non-hazardous waste. We manage a wide variety of non-hazardous wastes including, but not limited to, biomass, packaging waste, tires, carpet and textiles, non-recyclable plastic, used oil and non-hazardous liquids, construction and demolition materials, out-of-spec and recalled consumer goods, roofing shingles, etc.
Hazardous Waste: Sapphire also offers sustainable solutions for managing hazardous waste. We work closely with our customers to understand their specific waste challenges and priorities and develop solutions that best address their needs and add value to their business. The hazardous wastes we manage include inks, mineral spirits, petroleum distillates and hydrocarbons, paints, solvents and chemical by-products, pharmaceutical by-products, refinery and petrochemical by-products, tank bottoms sludge and many others.
At our Foreman, Chanute, and Mississauga sites, we operate a fully capable waste fuel laboratory, offering on-site analytical services to meet facility processing and regulatory analytical requirements. Most of our processing facilities operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Deliveries are typically accepted Monday through Saturday and delivery times are established in accordance with a pre-arranged scheduling, including the flexibility of “drop and swap.”
Other waste: Many waste streams contain resource value in the form of materials such as silica, alumina, iron and calcium. Sapphire recaptures and repurposes the resource value of many wastes through co-processing in cement kilns, including abrasives, baghouse dust, bauxite, bottom ash and fly ash, catalysts, ceramics, clay filters and sludges, FCC/spent catalyst, filter cakes, foundry sand and blast grit.
Our range of services includes:
On-site management
Logistics coordination
Waste management from pre-processing through final co-processing
Additional services, such as truck agitation and cleaning, rail agitation and cleaning and heel reduction/removal
Regulatory compliance expertise
Certification and documentation
At Sapphire, we are specialists in fast turnaround hazardous waste analytics.
Sapphire operates three state-of-the art analytical laboratories - in Foreman, Arkansas; Chanute, Kansas and Mississauga, Ontario. All labs are equipped with the latest technology and staffed with fully trained professional chemists.
Our labs can quickly and accurately analyze waste to ensure they meet the standards and safety guideline for pre-processing into alternative fuel.
Our lab facilities feature the very latest in analytical technology and services, including:
Inductively Coupled Plasma Metal Analysis
Atomic Absorption Mercury Analysis
Gas Chromatograph PCB Analysis
Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry
Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Analysis
Chloride Titration
Foreman Laboratory
Services Laboratory
4454 Highway 108 W.
Foreman, AR 71836
Emily Jones
Phone: 870.542.3093
Karl Fischer Moisture Titration
Parr Bomb Calorimeter for BTU content
pH level via dual channel pH meter
H2S and HCN content
Radioactivity via Geiger Counter
Cadence Technical
Services Laboratory
1801 North Santa Fe St.
Chanute, KS 66720
Jessica Gray
Phone: 620.431.1750